Myofascial Release

Myofascial release can include deep or subtle contact, following the myofascial meridians: networks of fascia that connect through the length of the body. By working along these interconnected fascial lines, restrictions at one end of the body may provide structural change or pain relief at a different location. This follows the concept of tensegrity, as defined by Buckminster Fuller, which reveals the way in which balanced structures (such as the bones of the body) maintain their integrity through tension (applied to the bones through networks of fascia).

What a Session Looks Like

This work can be done fully clothed over loose-fitting clothing, or directly over the skin. I will usually find areas of tension and then apply pressure to the degree that the fascia responds to gentle unwinding or softening. I may also apply traction at the limbs or base of the skull with the same intention. Holds can be long or short and sometimes include movement.

I typically combine myofascial release work with craniosacral therapy. Learn more here.