Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a subtle, gentle, yet powerful form of hands-on bodywork usually done on a table over loose-fitting clothing.  It addresses the craniosacral mechanism—a fluid system that encases the brain, spinal cord and sacrum. As my hands synchronize with subtle movements and rhythms influencing the accompanying bones, I can find patterns or restrictions that may need to be freed up or gently supported in order to allow more movement in the fascial system.  This, in turn, supports additional surrounding structures and systems to function more smoothly (muscles, organs, nervous system, etc). CST can effectively support the body to process old stresses (including injury or emotional impact), ease pain and discomfort, and help the structure of the body to function with more ease.

What a Session Looks Like

After a general discussion of symptoms, we’ll move to the table where the client lies face-up (position can be modified for client’s needs). I’ll place my hands lightly on several regions of the body to determine where to begin. The session will then progress through various gentle holds, sometimes staying in one place for ten minutes at a time. Clients typically settle into deep relaxation as the parasympathetic nervous system is supported. As my hands harmonize with the movements of the body, that area might begin to unwind or release.

Clients sometimes are able to feel their body shifting and unwinding, sometimes not. They may experience tingling, buzzing, or heat in the region I am making contact or in a different part of the body as restrictions release. Often people drift into a liminal state where they are neither awake nor asleep, sometimes experiencing images or memories. This is a powerful place for healing to occur. I generally work quietly, but encourage clients to give voice to their experience if it feels appropriate. Sometimes being in dialogue about an experience a client has will support things to shift more quickly. I also sometimes ask questions or guide clients into a visualization to support energetic flow and unwinding.

After sessions clients have reported a variety of experiences such as feeling more grounded, integrated, embodied, more at ease or peaceful, energized, restful, and spacious. It typically takes at least three sessions for the work to deepen and to develop a sense if we are gaining traction with the symptom. Sometimes difficult or uncomfortable feelings can emerge that had been dormant in the body. This is a normal part of the healing process that we can work with together as it arises.