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Sonic Roots

This is an introductory sound circle for female-bodied folks in which we will playfully explore the connection between our pelvic space and our voice.  

I will guide us into some meditative explorations to start, followed by a series of group practices and a short time for reflection at the close.  This group is a precursor to a 6 week series that will start Wednesday, September 13.  So this would be a great time to come in and see if the experience feels generative for you in a way you want more of!

You need no experience to attend.  And if this all sounds a bit edgy to you, please know you are not alone.  You will be in a space where you can honor your degree of risk-taking, which can include resting, participating by listening or making very quiet sounds.

Register HERE, unless you prefer to register by emailing me at The fee is $0-$15.00, sliding scale.  Payments can be made at the above link (full fee) or in person with cash, check, card, or venmo (@Megan-Fitz-1). 

I will cap the group at 10 people.

Location:  My office, 224 East Main St. Yarmouth

Why would you want to do this?  

1.  Vocal expression creates an opportunity to ease the muscles of the pelvic floor and associated fascia, decompressing nerves and bringing a deeper sense of "grounding," especially when explored consciously and with intention.  There is a direct line of fascial connection between the mouth, throat, and jaw, and the pelvic floor and nearby generative organs, not to mention they have amazing anatomical similarities.

2.  You will have an opportunity to explore making sounds that you might not otherwise make, in a safe space. Expanding your capacity for play and expression expands your sense of confidence and connection with others.

3.  You will have a chance to listen to your body while making sound.  What frequencies resonate most harmoniously with you?  What sounds feel good? What don't?  How do you know?  What is it like to hear your voice while also listening to others?

4.  Vocal expression can help move congested emotions that might be stored in the form of tension in the pelvic bowl or elsewhere, bringing more ease and flow to your being.

5.  The female body and voice has a long history of being silenced and shamed.  Perhaps you are aware of inherited conditioning in your own being or would like to explore it.

6.  It will be fun!  And a lovely opportunity to connect with others.

Please reach out with any questions!  And feel free to pass this invitation along to anyone who might be interested.

December 21

Creative Movement

August 17

Sonic Roots